Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Lady Ada Lovelace- First Computer Programmer Free Essay Example, 1750 words

According to the research findings, there have been numerous researchers and inventors in the history of mankind; however only a few have been able to influence humans even after hundred years of their published work. Lady Ada Lovelace is one of such remarkable people. Lady Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 in the house of a poet. Bellis stated that her mother was involved in the field of mathematics and contributed valuable work in the respective field. In those days, women usually acquired education at home; her mother was able to give her valuable knowledge about the field of mathematics. Due to the valuable foundation of her academic concepts, she was able to contribute valuable work in the field of computers and artificial intelligence. In 1834, Charles Babbage expressed his inclination towards making an analytical engine that would have the capability to act upon its foresight. Lady Ada was highly fascinated with his ideas and began work on the formulation of the analytical engine . In 1842, an Italian researcher and mathematician wrote a paper related to the analytical engine. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Ada Lovelace- First Computer Programmer or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Her vision revolved around the possibility of making the machine act upon symbols, rather than just numbers. She proposed that symbols should be interpreted on the basis of some rules and numbers should be able to denote entities rather than just figures. It is due to these contributions that computers have progressed to serve different needs of the humans, instead of only mathematical purposes.

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